Centre for Research on Pain, Disability and Social Integration

Dr. Michael Sullivan

Centre for Research on Pain, Disability and Social Integration

The Injustice Experiences Questionnaire (IEQ)

In 2005, Dr. Sullivan and his colleagues launched a program of research aimed at examining the sources and consequences of injustice appraisals in individuals with debilitating health and mental health conditions. The Injustice Experiences Questionnaire (IEQ) was developed as part of this program of research. Early studies showed that injured workers who appraised their post-injury experiences as ‘unjust’ were at risk for prolonged disability. Two systematic reviews have been published concluding that there is strong evidence that perceptions of injustice following injury contribute to prolonged occupational disability as well as the persistence of mental health problems. A number of insurance policy changes have taken place over the past decade such as presumptive cause in claim acceptance, shorter delays in claim processing and a more client-centered communication style, in part prompted by research on the sources and consequences of post-injury perceptions of injustice.

The IEQ is now licensed and distributed by Mapi Research Trust on behalf of Dr. Michael Sullivan.

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The role of perceived injustice in the experience of chronic pain and disability: Scale development and validation. Sullivan, M.J.L., Adams, H., Horan, S., Mahar, D., Boland, D., Gross, R.(2008). Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 18: 249-61.