Centre for Research on Pain, Disability and Social Integration

Dr. Michael Sullivan

Centre for Research on Pain, Disability and Social Integration

The Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS)

Dr. Sullivan’s work has led to significant advance in knowledge on how psychological factors influence trajectories of recovery following musculoskeletal injury. One line of research has addressed the role of ‘pain catastrophizing’ as a determinant of problematic recovery outcomes following injury. Pain catastrophizing has been broadly defined as an ‘exaggerated negative mental set brought to bear during actual or anticipated experience of pain’. The Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) was developed as part of this program of research. The PCS has been translated into 27 languages and has been incorporated into the assessment protocols of pain clinics and rehabilitation centres around the world. The 1995 paper describing the development of the PCS has been cited over 6000 times. A paper addressing the theoretical foundations of pain catastrophizing has been cited over 2200 times and has been listed as one of the top 5 citation classics in pain research between 2000 and 2010 (J Anesth (2012) 26:85–93).

The PCS is now licensed and distributed by Mapi Research Trust on behalf of Dr. Michael Sullivan.

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The Pain Catastrophizing Scale: Development and validation. Sullivan, M.J.L., Bishop, S.R., Pivik, J. (1995)Psychological Assessment; 7: 524-532